Tuesday, July 15, 2008

not one, but two

fucking benches stolen on me tonight at scla. fine, I can understand the first one, I only had my weights next to it, nothing else, but the second one I specifically asked this dude if he was using it and the weights that I was using to begin with. no he says. so I do my set of neutral grip incline db presses. I go to do my pull ups and next thing I know, the fucking dude's buddy is on my bench. common courtesy says that the guy I asked if he was using it should have told his friend that I was. oh, silly me, we're at scla. forgot for a minute. I understand how the gym works, if you walk away from a machine, it's free game. but this was not the only bench around! maybe I am asking too much for someone to have the courtesy to say someone's using that. dickhead.
and there was a girl doing db shoulder presses (pretty sure that's what they're called) while on the stationary bike. what is going on in the world that this stuff is acceptable.

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