Wednesday, February 18, 2009

who needs spike

when you find out the dude you've had a crush on for the past year is married! yup, my gym bf is married. last night was the first time I ever saw a ring. I am completely bummed out. granted I never spoke to the guy and really never had any intention to but it was a really nice distraction at that asshole gym and it was something to look forward to during the day. now the dream is dead.
so yea, I went to gnc on the way to the gym to stock up on spike and they are OUT until the end of next week. but I am telling you, I don't even think I needed it after the ring incident. I tapped some serious hate and was able to keep increasing the weight on my lifts. I say that like I did anything crazy yesterday. eric took away half my program because of my back so I literally was doing flat db presses, rows and db step-ups. but they were with heavier weights!
well yesterday was a shit day hopefully today will be better... I have ice coffee to look forward to at least. I'm off to work

I forgot to mention that the new national is out!!! well, it's a compilation of a bunch of really great artists. but the national does have a new song on it. so does bon iver, who are amazing!!! get it here:
or on itunes. I've listened to most of it and it's great!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Can't wait to hear the new stuff. You want some hate? I'm in Puerto Rico and apparently iced coffee has not made it's debut yet at the resort I'm staying at. WTF? It's freaking 82 degrees and no damn ice coffee?