Wednesday, January 20, 2010

surrounded by douchebags

yes I realize it's been almost a year since I've last posted but you all know what this past year has been for me. SO, I'm back. I'll try to be better, no promises though.
the reason for the return, what else besides the assholes at scla driving me insane. this was an actual conversation I just overheard in the elevator:
blondie (to two dudes): so I hurt myself tonite
dudes: oh really?
blondie: yea, hehe. bench pressing.. (shoulder shrug)

this is where my head almost shot off it's shoulders. ten minutes prior to this elevator business I witnessed this stupid ass doing head stands in the middle of the gym. so, right, you "hurt" yourself bench pressing...
there's two girls who actively bench at scla. me and natalie. and Natalie did the smart thing and left scla. I can honestly say I have never seen her bench press. any girl benching gets my attention, anywhere. she is full of shit.
there was also a dude on the stepmill barefoot. you'll remember I was "spoken" to about trap bar deadlifting barefoot.
surrounded by douchebags man..

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