Sunday, January 25, 2009

my crazy friend steph

a couple weeks back this was on the quote of the week board at CP. I thought I'd take a picture just in case steph was ever needing a reminder that she did actually say it. now, the below is actually stolen from steph's blog:
"That's when the ankles started throbbing. That's when I ran INTO the headwind. That's when I got cold. That's when I started to question everything"


I also miss you on saturdays. stop running and come back to lifting heavy weights with me


Steph said...

1. The National is playing on Gossip Girl right now. Total girl scream.

2. I would have preferred "my awesome friend steph with the great taste in music, jeans, alcohol and bags. But I can live with crazy.

I telling Drew that sometimes you need to try things more than once and gave the example of my first marathon. At the end I said, "Never again will I run one. Then I had an open mind and decided to to try again." He told me, "Mom, you sprained your ankle and were on crutches. It's just stupid that you're running it a third time." The love I get around here.

michelle said...

I'm happy and sad at the same time for our national now. they will become so huge they will no longer be the same....