Friday, September 19, 2008

silver lining

by rilo kiley is what I'm listening to right now (I'm taking a cue from steph's blog right now).

and my hero is Nancy LeBlanc, who not only got her locksmith friend to make me a key that actually WORKS for my car, she drove it down to redbones this afternoon (technically yesterday afternoon). and I can't even convey my appreciation to her. thank you thank you thank you Nancy.

so every once in a while life works in your favor and I'm so happy today was my day.


Steph said...

Holy sh*t-I love Rilo Kiley. Silver Lining is on so many of the mixes I make for people.

See you soon. Tony better freakin cry. Or at least sniffle.

dawna said...

Hey Michelle! Looking forward to finally meeting you tonight. You know, it was My birthday three months ago that took you to The Phoenix where you had the unfortunate event of a man spilling his beer on you. I hope you like me. I'd hate to be fodder for your blog!