Monday, November 17, 2008

one of the reasons I hate scla

it should go without saying that I dislike most of the trainers at scla but there's one particular girl who irritates the shit out of me. I have never once seen her train a client in a squat rack, though that goes for 95 % of the trainers there. this girl, and I have no idea what her name is because you know I'd call her out, trains specifically only on the smith machine and the cable machine. so tonight was no different, why should it be?? so I'm about to start doing my trap bar clusters and I set it up to warm up and here she comes with this really tall dude and she immediately goes to the smith machine. I happened to be set up in front of it so I moved down. this is me being nice and CONSIDERATE. something that is foreign to everyone in that fucking gym. she then has this tall dude do some move that involves his feet up on the stability ball thing and crunch his body up into like a V, I can't really explain it. but she has him do it RIGHT BESIDE MY TRAP BAR. this dudes head is literally right where the tb sticks out. so I wait for him to be done. but this move is way too hard for him to do and is taking him forever. so here's where I say fuck it. and continue on my training way. if this dude gets hit in the head with my trap bar, that's nobodies fault but his own for hiring a shithead trainer. needless to say, she moved. I'd like to believe she realized that the exercise was too advanced for him but that would mean she had an iota of common sense and I just doubt that's the case.
I hate that fucking gym.

three more things:
1: is there any kind of need for christmas music to be playing right now. I'm pretty sure I actually heard it playing as early as 11/1. fucking ridiculous. I don't want to say I hate christmas. but I really really don't like christmas. it's depressing to me. It makes me think of my nana and how she's not here anymore and that makes me depressed.
2: I'm changing my training hours at cp to coincide with the non-high school baseball players. looking at cute dudes will make the ridiculous things tony makes me do more enjoyable.
3: that bitch catherine not only didn't come out to cp on saturday, she's now ignoring my emails. bitch.
thats all. good night!

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