to say I like this band might be putting it lightly. I am OBSESSED with this band. they are the sole reason I want to go to brooklyn. they are the sole reason I think brooklyn is the motherland. (though I have been told I will be disappointed) they are the only thing I will listen to when getting say, my ribs tattooed. or any tattoo. this man's voice is pure heaven. it makes me want to melt. I want to marry this man. just to hear him talk or you know, sing to me. I don't care that he's a geeky little skinny dude. I just want to marry the voice.
I'm sitting here on my couch watching espn and I can't stop sneezing. I think I sneezed 30 times in a row last night and it's making me bonkers. anyways, this all brings me to my other love of the moment. lebron james. so hot. I'd like to punch tim legler in the face right now. and I hope lebron stomps on asshole kobe's face today
ok, I'm off to clean this disgusting apartment but I will leave you with this: I am in search for a t-shirt that says "will work for training time" if anyone knows where I can get said t-shirt, please let me know.

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