The National are coming to boston! The National are coming to boston! The National are coming to boston!
I can’t even think straight right now. I’m about ready to pee my pants and probably give myself a heart attack from the shear excitement I am feeling right now. Mind you, tickets don’t go on sale until tomorrow so I am not even in yet. But the fact that they are coming here is enough to make me freak out!!! And steph is in damn PR so I have nobody to freak out with! I will have permagrin on for the rest of the day. I wish I could take a picture just to show you all that I do in fact know how to smile! and these assholes at work will not be able to get to me anymore today. Fuckers. They are trying their best today to make me snap, I’ll tell you that much. But it won’t work any longer.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
who needs spike
when you find out the dude you've had a crush on for the past year is married! yup, my gym bf is married. last night was the first time I ever saw a ring. I am completely bummed out. granted I never spoke to the guy and really never had any intention to but it was a really nice distraction at that asshole gym and it was something to look forward to during the day. now the dream is dead.
so yea, I went to gnc on the way to the gym to stock up on spike and they are OUT until the end of next week. but I am telling you, I don't even think I needed it after the ring incident. I tapped some serious hate and was able to keep increasing the weight on my lifts. I say that like I did anything crazy yesterday. eric took away half my program because of my back so I literally was doing flat db presses, rows and db step-ups. but they were with heavier weights!
well yesterday was a shit day hopefully today will be better... I have ice coffee to look forward to at least. I'm off to work
I forgot to mention that the new national is out!!! well, it's a compilation of a bunch of really great artists. but the national does have a new song on it. so does bon iver, who are amazing!!! get it here:
or on itunes. I've listened to most of it and it's great!
so yea, I went to gnc on the way to the gym to stock up on spike and they are OUT until the end of next week. but I am telling you, I don't even think I needed it after the ring incident. I tapped some serious hate and was able to keep increasing the weight on my lifts. I say that like I did anything crazy yesterday. eric took away half my program because of my back so I literally was doing flat db presses, rows and db step-ups. but they were with heavier weights!
well yesterday was a shit day hopefully today will be better... I have ice coffee to look forward to at least. I'm off to work
I forgot to mention that the new national is out!!! well, it's a compilation of a bunch of really great artists. but the national does have a new song on it. so does bon iver, who are amazing!!! get it here:
or on itunes. I've listened to most of it and it's great!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
two blogs in one night!!!
like I said, I didn't want to take away from chris' post so I had to write another one. so normally every saturday I train at CP. I have a routine. I like routine. I get up, putz around for a bit. get all my shit together. go get an ice coffee and then drive out to hudson. I normally spend some time talking to everyone, change and then finally start my training that usually takes six hours. I drive back to somerville, pay the tattoo employees and then go about my night however I choose. but this weekend I trained at cp on friday night and didn't go out on saturday. I didn't know what to do with myself. all this free time! what to do, what to do??? so I did what I always do when I have time on my hands... fuck around on the computer while baking. I should have gone to scla and trained but I didn't. I just felt like relaxing, so shoot me! I now HAVE to get to scla today. not even a question, I have to get there and train. so I set my alarm for 8. hit the snooze about 9 times but then finally get up and get my ass there around 10ish. I'm so not feeling it. the vibe is all off. these wide angled neutral grip cable rows feel weird. one legged push ups just aren't happening. oh, and I didn't mention that this is all on NO SPIKE. training with no spike is not a fun time at all. one legged push ups with no spike is some kind of cruel joke played on michelle. and then I spot Natalie. and she tells me that her and aaron are going to do this 300 training. 50 pull ups, 50 deadlifts, 50 box jumps, 50 push ups, 50 crazy leg swing things while holding the barbell up and 50 clean and presses. I immediately stop feeling bad for me and my no spike self and continue on with my program. she then tells me that her and aaron have "created" a sled. now, I hate the sled at cp. I have such disdain for the sled that it's visible. I'd kick the sled if I knew I wouldn't hurt myself. but at scla, where nobody trains like me and natalie and apparently aaron (it's true, come see us train, nobody trains like us) pushing/pulling the sled brings me such joy I can hardly control myself.
so picture this: a metal step about a foot and a half high. with these sort of blast straps attached to it. then picture natalie running down a stretch of carpet, about three quarters the length of cp's turf (I don't know exactly how long it is) with aaron sitting on the step. and then picture me doing the same but with aaron's friend pete sitting on the step. and just so you get the full picture, I think aaron did it with six plates a couple of times and a couple of times with some number of plates and natalie on the step!!! now picture the looks on all the assholes at scla watching us do this. priceless man. priceless.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER enjoyed a workout at scla until today. I'm hoping this happens every sunday, because I'm there if it does.
so picture this: a metal step about a foot and a half high. with these sort of blast straps attached to it. then picture natalie running down a stretch of carpet, about three quarters the length of cp's turf (I don't know exactly how long it is) with aaron sitting on the step. and then picture me doing the same but with aaron's friend pete sitting on the step. and just so you get the full picture, I think aaron did it with six plates a couple of times and a couple of times with some number of plates and natalie on the step!!! now picture the looks on all the assholes at scla watching us do this. priceless man. priceless.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER enjoyed a workout at scla until today. I'm hoping this happens every sunday, because I'm there if it does.
I heart chris howard
I told chris that my next blog was going to be about him and while I wanted to mention some other things that went on this week and not seem like a total stalker crazy girl, I don't want to take away from the "all about chris blog post"
so I went to portland earlier this week to contest a speeding ticket and was not so successful but I did get to spend some time in the city which was nice because I do love me some portland. I wake up on friday to a text from anna asking if I was coming to training and also find out chris is coming to town. and I'm pretty sure I screeched like a little girl when I read it. so I immediately text anna back asking if chris was coming out to the facility because I wasn't going to the seminar and I had to make sure I got to see him.
see, chris was my favorite intern at cp. which is not a title I throw around lightly. and while I did finally warm up to larrabee, and I did really like kevin neeld, christopher howard will go down as my most favorite intern EVER! he's the only one that could walk by while I was doing glute ham raises and ask (repeatedly) if we were having fun yet without me wanting to rip his face off. he once approached me while I was doing rotational medball shotputs and said, in case you want some advice, I'd do it this way. instead of a certain coach, like say BRIAN, who just yells at you across the facility about how you're doing it wrong. and chris might be the only dude to talk jeans with me and steph and have it not be condescending. so my point being, if you haven't gotten it yet is that want him to come back to hudson asap. please hurry up through massage school and come back to us!!! we miss you!! (not just me either) in the meantime, it was great to see you this weekend, at the very least come back and visit soon.
oh and in case you all don't know what chris looks like, this is him (how could you NOT love him???):
so I went to portland earlier this week to contest a speeding ticket and was not so successful but I did get to spend some time in the city which was nice because I do love me some portland. I wake up on friday to a text from anna asking if I was coming to training and also find out chris is coming to town. and I'm pretty sure I screeched like a little girl when I read it. so I immediately text anna back asking if chris was coming out to the facility because I wasn't going to the seminar and I had to make sure I got to see him.
see, chris was my favorite intern at cp. which is not a title I throw around lightly. and while I did finally warm up to larrabee, and I did really like kevin neeld, christopher howard will go down as my most favorite intern EVER! he's the only one that could walk by while I was doing glute ham raises and ask (repeatedly) if we were having fun yet without me wanting to rip his face off. he once approached me while I was doing rotational medball shotputs and said, in case you want some advice, I'd do it this way. instead of a certain coach, like say BRIAN, who just yells at you across the facility about how you're doing it wrong. and chris might be the only dude to talk jeans with me and steph and have it not be condescending. so my point being, if you haven't gotten it yet is that want him to come back to hudson asap. please hurry up through massage school and come back to us!!! we miss you!! (not just me either) in the meantime, it was great to see you this weekend, at the very least come back and visit soon.
oh and in case you all don't know what chris looks like, this is him (how could you NOT love him???):

Sunday, February 8, 2009
new national!!!!!!!! and other random stuff
to say I like this band might be putting it lightly. I am OBSESSED with this band. they are the sole reason I want to go to brooklyn. they are the sole reason I think brooklyn is the motherland. (though I have been told I will be disappointed) they are the only thing I will listen to when getting say, my ribs tattooed. or any tattoo. this man's voice is pure heaven. it makes me want to melt. I want to marry this man. just to hear him talk or you know, sing to me. I don't care that he's a geeky little skinny dude. I just want to marry the voice.
I'm sitting here on my couch watching espn and I can't stop sneezing. I think I sneezed 30 times in a row last night and it's making me bonkers. anyways, this all brings me to my other love of the moment. lebron james. so hot. I'd like to punch tim legler in the face right now. and I hope lebron stomps on asshole kobe's face today
ok, I'm off to clean this disgusting apartment but I will leave you with this: I am in search for a t-shirt that says "will work for training time" if anyone knows where I can get said t-shirt, please let me know.

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