yes this should have been posted yesterday but I was being lazy and just getting around to it today. I can say with certainty that the people pictured up above are the only people that could make my ass get out of bed at 6:30 am on thanksgiving morning (after getting home at 1:30) to travel 45 minutes to lift weights - notice the lack of PETE in this picture. I didn't think I'd make it out there. wednesday night is the biggest drinking night of the year, and you all know how I love to drink. but this year was different. maybe I'm getting older. maybe it was the arc trainer intervals I did earlier in the evening. whatever it was, I didn't leave the house until 10:30 and didn't drink much and I had it in the back of my mind that I HAD to make it to hudson in the a.m. because I knew I'd be missing out on something good if I didn't go.
so the alarm goes off at 6:30 and I want to roll back over and go to sleep but I get up and think please please please let me find a coffee shop open. starbucks in davis happens to be open. I order an iced americano with an extra shot, not knowing that an extra shot brings me up to 5 shots of espresso. I tell them no no no. I will have a heart attack if I have 5 shots and a spike on top of that. so you know, 4 shots and a spike 40 minutes later is just fine. I walk into CP through the back door expecting everyone to already be warming up, and there's nobody there. tony's car is there so I know I wasn't being fooled into thinking there's a training session happening - not that training at 8 am on thanksgiving is EVER a joking matter - so I go to the bathroom and come back to a full house. steph did not believe I'd be in (who could blame her) and everyone else could have cared less.
everyone who reads this blog knows how yesterday went - except PETE because he wasn't there - so I'm not gonna repeat the story. suffice it to say, it was one of the best training sessions I've ever had. it was one of those rare moments in life that you're surrounded by people that you actually really want to be with, doing exactly what you want to be doing and all around just having a good time. I don't throw this word around often, or at all really, but I truly feel blessed to have everyone at CP in my life. my life has changed so much for the better since I've been coming out to hudson and I love all of you for it.
thank you all for the best thanksgiving morning I could have ever imagined.
and not to be outdone by the gun show above, here's who really dominated CP yesterday.

oh and pete, I realize you're the vp and all, but you're not allowed to come next year since this is now tradition and your "flu" kept you away this year. hope everyone had a great holiday. see you all in the morning!
We did dominate (especially my stellar med ball throws) but I think us girls need beanies like the guys. Your hat ruled. I'm thinking pink kitty cat ones to remind us that yes, we do have estrogen.
And Pete. I brought the food especially for him. It must have been all that string cheese he eats.
pete is a pussy
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